Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday, October 3

"O Blessed are they that hope and trust in the Lord"

The theme in the anthem, and such a wonderful promise/reality for all Christians. The Lord's Supper is such a blessed reminder of God's great love for his children, the Shepherd with the crook/staff to rescue his sheep/children from the thicket along the pathway. As I watched the pews fill up this morning, I was thinking how interesting it would be to know the different kind of motivations that spurred each one to attend today's worship. For some it is the thing to do on a regular basis, for some they may have been passing through town and were with us for a one time visit, for some, seeking support during a difficult time, and maybe for others to partake in the Lord`s supper. Whatever the reason, we were all there by the aid of the Great Shepherd.

I was very intrigued with Andrew's message today, very to the point and such a wonderful explanation of a, shall we say, challenge which faces so many of us on a daily basis.

Busy>>>>>>burning of the heart, indeed!

I found the concept of the Sabbath being the pinnacle of our work, so interesting. I can now ponder it from a different view. I look upon the Sabbath as a day of rest for the store of energy for the coming week. What is your perspective?
I do agree that we are very very vulnerable to wearing out our mind ,body and soul on work, on whatever, and are left with no energy for God, for our fellow human kind and ourselves.

Why do we allow this to be? Why do I ? Why do you? Why does our Church?

I pray that our message today will bring to the fore front for each of us, the simple things like, "the wine and the bread".

Your thoughts please,
Regards, Grant

UPDATE: A short summary of the sermon is available here: The Sabbath.mp3


  1. I loved today's sermon.

    It has been so easy in this electronic age for me to continue to work, even on weeknights and on the week-end. I find myself checking e-mail, sending messages, and otherwise constantly keeping busy.

    By Sunday, when I realize how many chores have been neglected, often I don't feel like attending Church Service, or visiting with friends and family.

    Poor time management skills? Probably, and this is why I found this sermon so poignant.

    We need to rest. We need to meditate. We need to stop and contemplate the beauty that surrounds us. Thanks to our Creator.

  2. One thing that I've been learning lately about the sabbath, is that it's a "sabbath unto the Lord." It's true that our minds and body's need a weekly rest, but I find that my soul also needs a bit of a weekly realignment. For me, sabbath is a time to really try and slow down in order to focus on God, to listen for him, and to look for ways that he's moving in my life.


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