Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday, October 10

Give thanks! Share your thoughts after this Sunday's time in worship by leaving a comment below.


  1. I was away this weekend visiting parents for thanksgiving. While it was wonderful to see old faces and distant friends, it can be a strange feeling being away from home. On Sunday, my parent's and I attended the church they've been going to for years, a church I did attend in my youth, but only for a short time. While it was intriguing to see what things and what people had changed and, even more interesting, what had stayed the same, I have to admit my heart was not in the same place it would have been had I been at St.Andrews's that morning.
    I missed the stain glass, I missed the stone walls, and I missed the finely crafted sermon. I missed the music -oh how I missed the music- and I missed the people.
    I suppose ideally, worship should flow easily in any location, at any church. Realistically though, for me, familiarity brings comfort, and in comfort, worship seems to thrive.
    I was glad to go home, and I probably should go far more often, but it's good to be back. I can't wait till Sunday.

  2. Well, all I can say after listening to today's sermon is, that when the pumpkin pie was doled out at our Thanksgiving dinner tonight, I didn't dare look at the plates to my left or my right!

    Covetousness is indeed a difficult issue. It is hard not to desire more or not to evaluate yourself in comparison to others. I loved the antidote ; Gratitude. To be thankful for all the has been given and to focus on that. It becomes self perpetuating. I am grateful for all of the experiences I have had the privilege to partake in both with and through St Andrew's over this past year. I know that desiring more of God's good things cannot be bring it on.... Just don't look at my plate... it has been overflowing as of late. Happy Thanksgiving. Diana


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