Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday, April 3

In reflecting on today's sermon, "The Good Shepherd", on the 23rd Psalm and on the 100th birthday of Ann Crain, my mind turned to leadership. Shepherds, at least in Palestine, lead by example, as Andrew said. On this morning with the first breath of spring in the air, I was touched by the truly exceptional and quite beautiful ways members of our church community lead. Maureen shines with unselfish loyalty to a friend by donating a kidney - giving of her self quite literally in the service of life. Schoolgirls read bible verses in calm, clear voices. Ann Crain reads the 23rd Psalm with a strong, lovely voice that has resonated for 100 years, providing a shining example of a good life. Beautiful music flows through the sanctuary, with a soprano solo so compelling as to actually quiet my children, which is no small feat. Andrew speaks with patience and tact and conviction, leading us to read interesting books, see interesting movies and contemplate how best to follow the path of Christ. In this time of election when people in the political sphere posture, mock and shove for a chance to lead us, it is refreshing indeed to see the more subtle ways in which positive examples of leadership surround us.


1 comment:

  1. I can't remember which week it was, but recently Andrew quoted George Orwell's "Pleasure Spots" for its sage criticism of resorts, and social media contraptions like the radio with their blaring music endlessly preventing contemplative silence. I read the essay and its point certainly resonated - but, on a tangential note, and I certainly don't think this is a refutation of Orwell or Andrew's points, I was thinking recently about the spiritual potential of music after watching "August Rush"... so I am writing this note to commend the film to you if you haven't seen it... it is very beautiful and makes a compelling case for how there is beauty and creative energy not just in silence but even in the world's noise and haste.


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