Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday, November 14

Music in the worship service is a powerful force. The excellent singing by the choir in the opening and closing hymns, Praise, my soul, the King of heaven and Great is thy faithness, rose and touched me. What is it in the hymn God of the sparrow, God of the whale that is so moving? The simplicity of the words and music? It brought tears to my eyes.

It was wonderful to have The St Andrew’s Hand Bell choir perform. Beyond all Praising was very respectfully played.
Faithfulness was the theme of the sermon. Faithfulness in marriage is our greatest good; it is of the essence.

Margaret M.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way to begin the week! Such a positive service. It's so rare within a church context to hear realistic, affirming talk about the intimate and sexual nature of marriage, confirming and encouraging our physicality as a gift from God. And how joyful, to be part of a congregation where same-sex marriage is not viewed as a threat to heterosexual unions, but as an affirmation of real, true love, love and commitment we know come from our Lord.

    It was such a lovely beginning to the week and a fabulous conclusion to our journey through the Ten Commandments.


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