Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday, September 5

Paul, ten-thousand hours and The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit

Listening to today's sermon reminded me of The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit, which explored the search for contentment in the emerging materialism of the 1950s. It struck a cord at the time because the consumerism of the post-war boom, which held such promise for a generation that endured the Depression and the war, was beginning to wear thin. As Andrew pointed out today, Paul promise is that we can learn contentment through our faith.

Learning takes effort and more effort than we often realize. No matter the level of talent, the rule-of-thumb is that it takes ten-thousand hours to truly master a skill, be it a musical instrument or trade. It should come as no surprise then that contentment is so illusive. But at least in Christ we have a great teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Today's sermon -Learn to be Content, really reminded me of the old saying I heard over back in Africa: "I was complaining I had no shoes, till I met someone who had no feet." As Andrew said being content is not having much but being happy with little. In today's society, there is a lot of competition, a lot worries about security, stability, in short; there is a lot of "not being content."
    I guess what Andrew was trying to say was; we shouldn't worry but learn to be content, content in God.


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