Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday, July 25

It happens all the time whenever I get to church service late, the feeling of getting up close and personal with ushers/greeters at the door. It happened again this morning – I was greeted by a familiar face at the door, who handed me a service program, and, then, I joined the congregation in the Lord’s Prayer while standing at the foyer before taking up a seat in the sanctuary.

This got me thinking about volunteerism at church.

Having been asked to do ushering a few times, I realize that it takes a certain amount of efforts and dedication of a person, or people, behind the scene well before a Sunday service, who looks after the logistics of having ushers at the door each and every service, and, not to mention those who make themselves available for the tasks. And this is only one of many aspects of church life or community where we all benefit from because people share their time and other resources. To this, I am grateful and proud to be part of that community.


1 comment:

  1. That's funny, Jonathan, because the beginning of service this morning I was feeling overwhelmed with the things I should do, the people I needed to talk to, the commitments I'd made... But once church got started, I remembered how good it is to be there. And it's worth the work. You're right, it's nice to be part of the community.


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